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0-22 : Cost of 3 : 180

0-18 : Cost of 2 : 84

5-10 : Cost of 1 : 10

B_Skill at level 1 : Cost of 5 5

B_Skill at level 2 : Cost of 5 10

B_Skill at level 3 : Cost of 5 20

B_Skill at level 4 : Cost of 5 35

B_Skill at level 5 : Cost of 5 55

B_Skill at level 5 from 2 : Cost of 5 45

local p = {}

-- Function to parse D&D dice codes and return median value
function p.calculateMedian(frame)
    -- Extract the dice code from the function argument
    local diceCode = frame.args[1]

    -- Check if diceCode is nil or empty
    if not diceCode then
        return "Error: No valid input provided"

    -- Extract the number of dice, number of sides per dice, and modifier
    local numDice, diceType, modifier = string.match(diceCode, "(%d+)d(%d+)([%+%-]?%d*)")

    -- If no modifier is provided, set it to 0
    modifier = tonumber(modifier) or 0 

    -- Check if any of the extracted values are nil
    if not numDice or not diceType then
        return "Error: Invalid dice code"

    -- Calculate the median value of rolling the dice
    local median = 0
    local totalSides = tonumber(diceType)

    -- Calculate the median value of rolling the dice
    if totalSides then
        -- Calculate median for each die roll
        local medianPerRoll = (totalSides + 1) / 2
        -- Calculate the total median without modifier
        median = numDice * medianPerRoll
        -- Add modifier to the total median
        median = math.ceil (median + modifier)
        return "Error: Invalid number of sides for dice"

    return median

function p.skills(frame)
  local result
  local frames = mw.getCurrentFrame()
  local num_args = 0

  -- Count the number of arguments
  for k, v in pairs(frames.args) do
    num_args = num_args + 1

  local num_skills = math.floor(num_args / 3)
  local skills = {} -- Table to store skills

  -- Populate the skills table
  for i = 1, num_skills do
    local name = frame.args[(i - 1) * 3 + 1]
    local level = frame.args[(i - 1) * 3 + 2]
    local cost = frame.args[(i - 1) * 3 + 3]

    table.insert(skills, {name = name, level = level, cost = cost})

  -- Sort the skills table based on the 3rd field (cost)
  table.sort(skills, function(a, b) return < end)

  -- Generate the HTML table
  result = "<table><tr><td class='skills'>Färdighet</td><td class='spacer'></td><td align='center'>FV</td><td class='spacer'></td><td class='cost'  align='center'>Kostnad</td></tr>"
  for _, skill in ipairs(skills) do
    result = result .. string.format("<tr><td class='skills'>%s</td><td class='spacer'></td><td class='rd'>%s</td><td class='spacer'></td><td class='rd'>%s</td></tr>",, skill.level, skill.cost)
  result = result .. "</table>"

  return result

function p.Grupp(frame)
local value = tonumber(frame.args[1])
local grupp = "+" .. math.ceil(value/5)

return grupp 

function p.calculate_A_cost(frame)
    local args = frame.args
    local start_level = tonumber(args[1])
    local end_level = tonumber(args[2])
    local base_cost = tonumber(args[3])
    local total_cost = 0
    for level = start_level, end_level do
        local multiplier = math.floor((level - 1) / 5) + 1
        total_cost = total_cost + base_cost * multiplier
    return tostring(total_cost)

function p.calculate_B_cost(frame)
	local args = frame.args
    local start_level = tonumber(args[1])
    local end_level = tonumber(args[2])
    local base_cost = tonumber(args[3])
    local total_cost = 0
    for i = start_level + 1, end_level do
        local multiplier = 0
        if i == 1 or i == 2 then
            multiplier = 1
        elseif i <= 5 then
            multiplier = i - 1
        total_cost = total_cost + base_cost * multiplier
    return tostring(total_cost)

return p