The Grimoire of the Fiery Puritan

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Title: The Grimoire of the Fiery Puritan

Author: Magus Ignatius of Flambeau

Type: Grimoire

Arts: Creo, Ignem, Perdo, Vim

Language: Latin

Quality: 14

Max Level (Arts): 10


"The Grimoire of the Fiery Puritan" is a comprehensive collection of spells and rituals tailored for a starting Flambeau magus dedicated to hunting demons and diabolists. Written by the renowned demon hunter Magus Ignatius of Flambeau, this grimoire provides a solid foundation for young magi who seek to purify the world through fire and divine justice. The spells contained within are specifically chosen to combat infernal forces and cleanse areas tainted by diabolic influence.


The grimoire is bound in sturdy red leather, symbolizing the fire and zeal of House Flambeau. The cover is embossed with a flaming sword, an emblem of divine wrath and purification. The title, "The Grimoire of the Fiery Puritan," is inscribed in gold leaf Latin, reflecting the solemn and sacred mission of its owner.

Inside, the pages are made of fine parchment, with text written in a clear, bold script. Each spell is meticulously detailed, with accompanying symbols and diagrams to aid in casting. The margins are wide, allowing space for personal notes and annotations. Illustrations of holy symbols, flames, and demonic forms are interspersed throughout the book, serving as both decoration and instruction.

Content and Spells

The spells included in "The Grimoire of the Fiery Puritan" cover a range of Arts essential for a demon-hunting magus. Here are the key spells and their descriptions:

Flames of Purification

Art: Creo Ignem (Vim)

Level: 20 (Base 5, +1 magnitude for Touch, +1 magnitude for Diameter, +1 magnitude for Vim requisite, +2 magnitudes for extra effect)

Description: Conjures a searing flame that burns with holy light, capable of harming infernal creatures and purifying tainted objects. The flames last for two minutes and can be directed by touch.

Blade of the Burning Wrath

Art: Creo Ignem (Vim)

Level: 20 (Base 10, +1 magnitude for extra damage, +1 magnitude for Vim requisite)

Description: Enchants a weapon with holy fire, causing it to blaze with divine flames. The weapon deals additional damage to demons and diabolists, and the flames can burn away infernal corruption.

Unraveling the Fabric of Hell

Art: Perdo Vim

Level: 15

Description: Disrupts and destroys minor infernal enchantments and wards. This spell is crucial for disabling diabolic protections and nullifying curses placed by demons or their followers.

Eyes of the Divine Hunter

Art: Intellego Vim

Level: 15

Description: Grants the caster the ability to see through illusions and detect the presence of infernal auras and magic. The spell can be thwarted by illusions created by beings with higher Might than the spell level.

Cleansing Flame

Art: Creo Ignem (Vim, Perdo)

Level: 20 (Base 5, +1 magnitude for Touch, +1 magnitude for Diameter, +1 magnitude for Vim requisite, +1 magnitude for Perdo requisite)

Description: Creates a purifying fire that can cleanse a small area of infernal taint. The Perdo requisite helps to destroy the tainted elements while the Vim requisite ensures the purity of the area.

Shield of the Faithful

Art: Rego Vim

Level: 15

Description: Erects a protective barrier imbued with divine power, repelling infernal creatures and spells. The shield provides significant protection to the caster and their allies during encounters with demons.

Divine Exorcism

Art: Perdo Vim

Level: 15 (Base 5, +2 magnitudes for Voice range)

Description: Similar to the spell "Demon's Eternal Oblivion," this spell reduces a demon's Might score by the spell level (15). It is used to banish demonic entities from possessed individuals or objects.

Wrathful Smite

Art: Creo Ignem (Vim)

Level: 25 (Base 15, +1 magnitude for extra damage, +1 magnitude for Vim requisite)

Description: Calls down a pillar of holy fire to smite a targeted demon or diabolist. The flames are extraordinarily powerful, designed to deal devastating damage to infernal beings.

Holy Beacon

Art: Creo Ignem (Vim)

Level: 15 (Base 10, +1 magnitude for Vim requisite)

Description: Creates a beacon of divine light that wards off lesser demons and provides comfort and protection to the faithful. This spell is useful for creating safe zones in areas of heavy infernal activity.

Inquisition's Light

Art: Intellego Mentem

Level: 15

Description: Allows the magus to interrogate a subject, compelling them to speak the truth and reveal any infernal connections. This spell is invaluable for identifying diabolists and uncovering hidden plots.

Additional Features

Annotations and Marginalia:

Throughout the grimoire, Magus Ignatius has added personal notes and tips for effective demon hunting. These annotations provide valuable insights and practical advice, making the spells easier to understand and cast.

Consecrated Pages:

Each page of the grimoire has been consecrated with holy water and prayers, imbuing the book itself with a faint divine aura. This consecration provides minor protection against infernal tampering or destruction.

Portable Size:

The grimoire is designed to be portable and durable, allowing the magus to carry it into the field. It is small enough to fit in a satchel or backpack, ensuring it is always at hand when needed.

Legacy and Impact

"The Grimoire of the Fiery Puritan" is a treasured tool for any Flambeau magus dedicated to the eradication of infernal threats. Its comprehensive collection of spells and practical advice makes it an essential companion for young magi embarking on their holy crusades. The grimoire serves not only as a source of magical power but also as a symbol of the magus's commitment to the divine cause of purging evil from the world.

This grimoire is a testament to the enduring legacy of Magus Ignatius and the unwavering resolve of House Flambeau to protect the innocent and uphold the light of the divine in the face of darkness.