New Ars Magica Forms

From Empire of Dragons
Revision as of 06:03, 8 May 2024 by Oberoten (talk | contribs) (Created page with " === Materia (Matter) === * Base 1: Detect the presence of one basic element (earth, water, air, fire) in a small object. * Base 2: Slightly alter the temperature or other basic property of a small object. * Base 3: Create a small amount of simple material or slightly change the properties of a material. * Base 4: Make an object impervious to water or small impacts for a short duration. * Base 5: Transform one natural material into another in a small quantity. * Base 10...")
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Materia (Matter)

  • Base 1: Detect the presence of one basic element (earth, water, air, fire) in a small object.
  • Base 2: Slightly alter the temperature or other basic property of a small object.
  • Base 3: Create a small amount of simple material or slightly change the properties of a material.
  • Base 4: Make an object impervious to water or small impacts for a short duration.
  • Base 5: Transform one natural material into another in a small quantity.
  • Base 10: Create a cubic pace of a complex material from nothing.
  • Base 15: Permanently transmute a cubic pace of one complex material into another or make a significant alteration to its properties.
  • Base 20: Create a small, permanent, complex mechanism (like a clock or lock).
  • Base 25: Completely transform the state of a large volume of material (turn a pond to ice).
  • Base 30: Create a detailed and functioning object out of rare materials (like a complete set of armor from diamond).

Energia (Energy)

  • Base 1: Detect the weakest energy fields in an immediate area.
  • Base 2: Slightly increase or decrease the ambient temperature in a room.
  • Base 3: Manipulate small amounts of energy to light a candle or warm a cup of tea.
  • Base 5: Create or extinguish significant amounts of energy, like a bonfire or freezing a pond.
  • Base 10: Control the flow of electrical energy sufficient to power or disable household appliances.
  • Base 15: Generate a powerful burst of energy, such as a lightning strike.
  • Base 20: Alter the kinetic energy of an object, stopping or accelerating it suddenly.
  • Base 25: Convert one form of energy into another on a large scale (turning heat into light).
  • Base 30: Create a sustained energy field that can power or warm an entire building.
  • Base 35: Generate a massive energy discharge capable of leveling a structure.

Mens (Mind)

  • Base 1: Detect surface thoughts or emotions of an individual.
  • Base 2: Induce a slight mood change or a fleeting thought.
  • Base 3: Transmit a simple message directly to someone's mind.
  • Base 5: Read deeper thoughts or specific memories.
  • Base 10: Control the thoughts of a person briefly, allowing simple commands.
  • Base 15: Alter a significant memory or implant a complex belief.
  • Base 20: Induce or erase a skill or knowledge temporarily.
  • Base 25: Take complete control over someone's actions for a short period.
  • Base 30: Permanently alter or erase someone’s personality or memories.
  • Base 35: Create a shared mental link between multiple individuals, enabling complex communication or shared experiences.

Corpus (Body)

  • Base 1: Detect minor physical conditions or ailments.
  • Base 2: Accelerate the body's natural healing process slightly.
  • Base 3: Heal small wounds or alleviate non-critical ailments.
  • Base 5: Transform one aspect of the body temporarily.
  • Base 10: Cure serious diseases or mend significant injuries.
  • Base 15: Grant temporary physical enhancements or transformations.
  • Base 20: Resurrect recently deceased organisms, provided the body is largely intact.
  • Base 25: Change a body's form completely, such as turning a human into an animal.
  • Base 30: Permanently enhance a body's physical abilities or senses.
  • Base 35: Restore youth or extend natural life significantly.

Vis (Magical Energy)

  • Base 1: Detect the presence of active magic or magical energies.
  • Base 2: Feel the intensity and type of magic used in an area recently.
  • Base 3: Suppress a weak magical effect temporarily.
  • Base 5: Dispel or counter a moderately powerful spell.
  • Base 10: Bind a magical creature or essence temporarily.
  • Base 15: Create a magical ward that protects against spells up to a certain level.
  • Base 20: Absorb magical energy and store it for later use.
  • Base 25: Release a stored spell with augmented power.
  • Base 30: Sever the connection between a mage and their source of power temporarily.
  • Base 35: Create a permanent gateway to a source of magical energy.

These expanded base effects provide a rich toolkit for players and GMs to craft detailed and powerful magical interactions within