Once upon a time in Troy...

From Empire of Dragons
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The iliad homer mentora-4.jpg

A campaign focused around the classical era Sparta. Not superheroes, but bloodlines with exceptional abilities. The spawn and offspring of the greek gods if you so wish. We will be going "over the top" with this one.

PC's will have wound-thresholds set at a basic 10 instead of basic 5, NPCs will be fragile little bastards with a wound-threshold set to 3 for most of them.

Extra actions will be at -3 instead of -6, healing will NOT be readily available though. Heavy wounds or worse will leave permanent effects behind.

Death will be largely optional, players who opt to have a char die will get the same XP-sum for the next character as well as a boon of some sort that fits with the way of the previous character's death.

https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/Category:Maps_of_Greek_mythology Synopsis for the Illiad

The campaign will begin at the fall of Troy.