
From Empire of Dragons
Revision as of 15:43, 27 January 2024 by Oberoten (talk | contribs)
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  • 1

  • 1
  • 1
  • 1
  • Script error: The function "rollStats" does not exist.
  • Script error: The function "rollStats" does not exist.
  • Script error: The function "rollStats" does not exist.
  • Script error: The function "rollStats" does not exist.

-- Module for rolling RPG dice
local p = {}

-- Function to roll dice
function p.rollDice(args)
    local diceString = args[1] or ""
    local num, sides, modifier = string.match(diceString, "(%d+)d(%d+)([%+%-]?%d*)")
    num = tonumber(num) or 1
    sides = tonumber(sides) or 6
    modifier = tonumber(modifier) or 0

    local total = modifier

    for _ = 1, num do
        total = total + math.random(1, sides)

    return total

return p