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Raulf’s greatest fear is being discovered as a fraud, but he is driven by a compulsive need to prove himself through his work. Despite his awkwardness and paranoia, he is deeply committed to his craft, constantly seeking to improve his power armor and hacking techniques. His ultimate goal is to create a piece of technology so advanced that it will earn him the recognition he desperately craves, all while keeping his true identity and psionic abilities hidden from those around him.<p>
Raulf’s greatest fear is being discovered as a fraud, but he is driven by a compulsive need to prove himself through his work. Despite his awkwardness and paranoia, he is deeply committed to his craft, constantly seeking to improve his power armor and hacking techniques. His ultimate goal is to create a piece of technology so advanced that it will earn him the recognition he desperately craves, all while keeping his true identity and psionic abilities hidden from those around him.<p>
{{ArmCharsheet|era=2|Name=Father Jörgen|Str=+0|Sta=+1|Dex=-1|Qui=-1|Int=+3|Per=+3|Will=+5|Com=+1|Size=+0|image=FatherJorgen.webp
|Psionics (Mind Control)|5|6
|Psionics (Emotion Manipulation)|4|6
|Psionics (Telekinesis)|4|6
|Psionics (Pyrokinesis)|4|6
|Leadership (Religious Followers)|5|6
|Charm (Religious Fervor)|3|6
|Awareness (Spiritual Sensing)|5|6
|Concentration (Maintaining Control)|5|6
|Brawl (Staff)|2|6
|Intimidation (Religious Power)|5|6
|XP to Spend|3|0
|Delusional (Divine Messenger)|+4
|Religious Fervor|+3
|Psionic Mastery|+3
|Skilled Manipulator|+2
|Fanatical Leader|+2
|Cruel Punisher|-2
=== '''Additional Psionic Powers:''' ===
# '''Mind Control (Psionics 5):'''  Father Jörgen's most feared ability. He can bend the will of others, turning them into mindless thralls or forcing them to carry out his "holy" commands. His control over weaker minds is absolute, and even those with stronger wills can eventually succumb to his relentless influence.
# '''Emotion Manipulation (Psionics 4):'''  By manipulating emotions, Jörgen can incite fear, guilt, or religious fervor in those around him. He uses this to control large crowds during his sermons, making them believe they are feeling the presence of God.
# '''Telekinesis (Psionics 4):'''  Father Jörgen has the power to move objects with his mind. He uses this ability during sermons to lift heavy objects as a display of divine power, or in combat to hurl debris, break bones, or disarm opponents. He can lift and manipulate objects up to the size of a person with ease, and larger objects with some strain. This ability adds an element of fear and spectacle, as his followers see it as undeniable proof of his divine connection.
#* '''Combat Application:''' He can rip weapons from enemies' hands, smash doors, or crush enemies beneath large objects. In a fight, he can easily fling smaller projectiles at high speeds, causing devastating damage.
# '''Pyrokinesis (Psionics 4):'''  Jörgen can ignite flames with his mind, which he claims is God's judgment made manifest. In combat, he uses fire as a tool of destruction, often burning those who oppose him alive. He can also create controlled blazes, which he uses to impress or terrify his followers during rituals or sermons.
#* '''Combat Application:''' Father Jörgen can create fireballs to hurl at enemies or cause objects and enemies to burst into flames. His control is precise enough to immolate a target while leaving others untouched, reinforcing his claims of divine favor.
# '''Psychic Blast (Psionics 5):'''  In moments of extreme anger, Jörgen can release a wave of raw psionic energy, knocking down and stunning anyone in its range. This is his "wrath of God," used sparingly but devastating when unleashed. It creates a powerful shockwave that can shatter stone, break bones, and send people flying.
# '''Fear Projection (Psionics 5):'''  Jörgen can project overwhelming fear into the minds of those around him. His enemies may find themselves frozen in terror, unable to move or defend themselves as he delivers his judgment. This ability can affect entire crowds, causing mass panic or forcing submission through sheer dread.
=== '''Notable Equipment:''' ===
* '''Staff of Divine Wrath:'''  A ceremonial staff made from the wood of an ancient tree, now enhanced with psionic energy. When Jörgen channels his powers through it, the staff glows with an eerie light. It serves as both a symbol of his religious authority and a weapon capable of focusing his telekinesis or pyrokinesis. He often uses it to amplify his control during sermons, making it appear as though the staff itself holds divine power.
* '''Cloister of Submission:'''  The cloister itself has been shaped by Jörgen's psionic powers. The very air feels thick with his presence, and those who enter it without a strong will often find themselves slowly succumbing to his influence. It is said that the walls whisper Jörgen’s twisted sermons, bending the minds of those who stay within its bounds for too long. His followers patrol the grounds, ensuring none leave once they enter his "holy" domain.
=== '''Role in the Campaign:''' ===
Father Jörgen is no longer just a psionic mutant with delusions of grandeur—he is a true force of nature. His power has grown so immense that he can manipulate the physical world around him, further convincing his followers that he is a divine messenger. The players may encounter Jörgen as a potential ally, though his help comes at a steep price: submission to his divine will. If they oppose him, they face a powerful enemy capable of bending minds and matter to his will.
Jörgen represents an extremely dangerous encounter—his combination of mind control, telekinesis, and pyrokinesis make him an unpredictable and deadly force. Whether the players try to free those enslaved by his will or confront him in combat, they will need careful planning and powerful allies to survive his wrath.

Latest revision as of 09:40, 3 October 2024

⇘Djupdväljarna är en enklav som nu hotas av katastrof då dess filter och pumpar som håller undervattens-domen i tillräckligt tryck för att vara tät börjar ge upp.

I vattnen utanför klinte...
Kraftverket som det ser ut idag....
  • Oskarshamn är en av de större städerna i närområdet. Läckande reaktor-massa och fisk-förgiftning har skadat enklaven ordentligt. Matbrist, svårt att avsalta och använda vattnet utan att filtren blir duktigt giftiga.
  • Den svarta strömmen; Vatten som läcker ut i havet som en sorts giftig flod under ytan och dödar allt i sin väg.


Svenska / Pyri Bestiariet


  1. Klinte hamn - En central punkt i staden, perfekt för handels- och resscenerier.
  2. Västergarn strand - En lång sandstrand som kan vara scen för sökanden efter förlorade föremål eller möten med strandade sjöfarare.
  3. Ekstaklinten - Ett dramatiskt klippområde som erbjuder vidsträckt utsikt och potentiellt farliga klättringar.
  4. Lojsta hed - Ett historiskt och naturskönt område känt för sina vilda hästar, vilket kan lägga till en unik lokal karaktär.
  5. Gotlands Veteranbilmuseum - Fullt av historiska fordon, som i en post-apokalyptisk värld kan vara värdefulla för deras delar eller som funktionella färdmedel.
  6. Visby (närliggande) - Medeltida stad med en rik historia och många möjligheter till äventyr.
  7. Kraklings badplats och fiskeläge - En möjlig plats för samhällen eller baser för överlevande.
  8. Hemse - En småstad med handelsmöjligheter och lokala resurser.
  9. Sproge kyrka - En gammal kyrka som kan tjäna som en fristad eller en mystisk plats fylld med hemligheter.
  10. Sandhammaren - Ett område med karga landskap och dramatiska havsutsikter, bra för överlevnadsscener och utforskning.


  1. Oskarshamns kärnkraftverk - En central plats för många potentiella äventyr och konflikter i en postapokalyptisk värld.
  2. Döderhultarns museum - Ursprungligen ett konstmuseum, kan det nu vara en plats för kulturella artefakter eller gammal teknik.
  3. Langa Soffa - Europas längsta bänk vid hamnen, en mötesplats eller en plats för stora sammankomster.
  4. Blå Jungfrun Nationalpark (nås via båt) - Ett mystiskt och isolerat ölandskap som kan ha undvikit värsta strålningen och nu är hem för unika växter eller djur.
  5. Oskarshamns Sjöfartsmuseum - Källa till maritima kunskaper och artefakter som kan vara vitala för överlevnad.
  6. Figeholm - En idyllisk del av Oskarshamn med gammal industri och potentiell tillgång till maskiner eller verktyg.
  7. Stensjö By - Ett historiskt bevarat byområde som kan ge insikt i förgångna tider eller fungera som en undangömd enklav.
  8. Hagaparken - En stor park som kan användas som en handelszon eller tillfälligt läger i stadsområdet.
  9. Oskarshamns stadsbibliotek - En möjlig informationskälla, med gamla böcker och dokument.
  10. Arena Oskarshamn - En stor anläggning som kan användas som en samlingsplats eller skydd mot faror.

Utposten & Gran-Hotell

Utposten hotas ständigt av förvildade mutanter, en vanlig defekt av radioaktiv förgiftning är den så kallade hjärn-rötan. Urpsprungligen ett Sovjetiskt biovapen så har den muterats och kan "aktiveras" av radioaktivitet i stället för kommando koder eller liknande.

"Major" Udtsov har kommando-ord och data genom sin arm-dator som låter honom kontrollera "vildingarna". Han är egentligen inte intresserad av att erövra, han vill bara att så många som möjligt skall tvingas betjäna honom och göra hans eget liv bekvämt. Han lever i utpostens närområde tillsammans med sitt entourage av förslavade vildlingar. Så länge han har kommandofraser och sin dator så är de hans slavar och soldater.
  • Brianna -- Styr Hotell Gran; Detta är utpostens stora handeltorg. Allting under tak och noga kontrollerat. I utbyte får Brianna en andel. Om Brianna inte får andel dör folk. Långsamt och smärtsamt. Oftast matade till Vildlingarna.


Major Ivanov

Virtue/Flaw Level
Tough +2
Natural Leader +1
Social Contacts (Military) +1
Hugely Obese -3
Duty (Military Service) -3
Overindulgent -1

Personality traits Level
Athletics (Endurance)15
Awareness (Perception)25
Brawling (Grappling)35
Charm (Commanding)25
Cooking (Russian Cuisine)35
Firearms (Pistols)45
Gambling (Cards)25
Intimidate (Presence)45
Leadership (Military)45
Melee (Swords)35
Survival (Urban)25
XP to Spend30


Size:0 Soak: 2 @ Thickness: 2mmVildling.webp
Speech: NoAwareness: 1Athletics: 6Work Skill: 0
Hunting+4Stealth+3 Survival+2
Vildlingar är mutanter som fungerar på en zombie-liknande nivå. De är starka och snabba, men mycket dumma. Deras huvudsakliga attacker är att bita, klösa eller använda improviserade vapen. De är en ständig fara för alla överlevande i området.
Bett +5 +3 +2 6
No SoakHalf SoakNormalNo DamPenetration
5 mm
2.53.7556.25 mm of Armour
Close Single
Klösa +5 +3 +2 5
No SoakHalf SoakNormalNo DamPenetration
4 mm
2345 mm of Armour
Close Single
Improviserat Vapen +4 +2 +1 7
No SoakHalf SoakNormalNo DamPenetration
3 mm
1.52.2533.75 mm of Armour
Close Single


  • Huvud och Ansikte:
    • Ögon: Ett öga kan vara större än det andra, eller ett öga kan saknas helt, med en djup, tom ögonhåla fylld med vätskande sårvävnad.
    • Hud: Huden ser ut som om den har smält och runnit ner över ansiktet, liknande stearin som har droppat från ett ljus. Flera lager av huden är förvridna och klibbiga, med öppna sår som aldrig riktigt läker.
    • Mun: Munnen är skev och fylld med ojämna, vassa tänder. Saliv och blod droppar kontinuerligt från mungiporna, som är konstant öppna på grund av missbildade käkar.
  • Kropp:
    • Bröstkorg och Rygg: Bröstkorgen är överdimensionerad och huden ser ut att ha smält och klibbat fast i kläder och ben. Ryggraden är synlig genom trasiga lager av kött, och revbenen sticker ut på onaturliga sätt.
    • Armar: Armarna är långa och muskulösa, men huden hänger i flikar och är täckt av öppna sår och infektioner. Klumpiga klor har utvecklats istället för naglar, vilket ger dem ett ännu mer hotfullt utseende.
    • Händer: Händerna är stora och klumpiga, med fingrar som är missbildade och i olika längder. Klorna är ojämna och ser ut som om de är huggna från ben och horn.
  • Ben:
    • Lår och Vader: Benen är kraftiga men klumpiga, med muskler som sticker ut genom de smälta köttlagren. De är täckta av samma droppande, stearinliknande hud som resten av kroppen.
    • Fötter: Fötterna är stora och klumpiga, med tår som är sammansmälta eller saknas helt. Klor växer från tårna, liknande de på händerna.

Hud och Vävnad

  • Hud: Huden är ojämn och täckt av ärrvävnad och smält kött. Den har en gråaktig, död nyans med inslag av infekterat rött och grönt. Vätskande sår och blåsor täcker stora delar av kroppen, och huden är ofta klibbig att röra vid.
  • Muskler: Musklerna är överdimensionerade och felplacerade, vilket ger Vildlingen en ojämn och klumpig rörelse. Muskelfibrerna är ofta exponerade och pulserar under den tunna, smälta huden.
  • Vätskande Sår: Ständiga sår och blåsor som aldrig riktigt läker, med var och blod som sipprar ut. Dessa sår sprider en frän, rutten lukt som drar till sig andra mutanter och rovdjur.

Kläder och Utrustning

  • Kläder: Trasiga och smutsiga kläder som hänger i trasor på kroppen. Tyget är ofta fastklibbat i den smälta huden och delvis inbäddat i köttet.
  • Improviserade Vapen: Vildlingen bär ofta på vassa metallbitar, trasiga träklubbor eller andra improviserade vapen som är täckta av blod och smuts.

Den söndermuterade Vildlingen är en bild av både fysisk och psykologisk förfall, en fasansfull varelse som är en ständig påminnelse om världens förfall och farorna som lurar i varje hörn.

Konung Erik XXVI, Den Evige

Kung Erik XXVI
Size:-2 Soak: -3 @ Thickness: --KungErikXXVI.webp
Speech: +2Awareness: +1Athletics: -3Work Skill: +3
Administration+12 Agriculture+12 Computers+14 Electronics+10 Medicine+8
Kung Erik XXVI är en mycket intelligent men fysisk svag ledare, bunden till en högteknologisk rullstol som håller honom vid liv. Hans rullstol är utrustad med livsuppehållande system och kommunikationsutrustning. Erik har överlevt mer än 200 år och är både excentrisk och irrationell.
Command Override +5 +2 0
No SoakHalf SoakNormalNo DamPenetration
0 mm
0000 mm of Armour
10m Instant

Kung Erik XXVI

Virtue/Flaw Level
Technological Genius +2
Resourceful +1
Social Contacts (Technologists) +1
Physically Weak -3
Mentally Unstable -3
Dependent on Technology -1

Personality traits Level
Desperate for Company+1
Administration (Organizing)125
Agriculture (Sustainable Farming)125
Awareness (Observation)85
Computers (Networks)145
Electronics (Maintenance)105
History (Pre-Apocalypse)65
Leadership (Commanding)105
Medicine (Basic Care)85
Persuasion (Convincing)75
Programming (Robots)145
XP to Spend30

Arnie-A And B
Size:+2 Soak: 20 @ Thickness: Heavy ArmorArnie Droid.webp
Speech: --Awareness: +3Athletics: +4Work Skill: +5
Armor Maintenance+6 Combat Tactics+7Precision Targeting+8
Arnie-A är en tungt bepansrad stridsrobot med hög precision i sina vapen. Dock finns en risk för missfire vid aktivering, vilket gör den opålitlig i vissa situationer. Beväpnad med en högprecisionslaser och en tung Gatling Gun, är Arnie-A designad för att försvara och följa Kung Erik XXVI:s kommandon till varje pris.
High-Precision Laser +8 +3 15
No SoakHalf SoakNormalNo DamPenetration
30 mm
1522.53037.5 mm of Armour
50m 5 Sec
Heavy Gatling Gun +7 +2 12
No SoakHalf SoakNormalNo DamPenetration
20 mm
10152025 mm of Armour
100m Continuous




Raulf Martensen (Alias: Hans Müller)
Raulf Martensen.png

Virtue/Flaw Level
Genius Engineer +3
Technological Savant +2
Psionic Talent +1
Socially Inept -2
Paranoia -2
Terrible Combatant -3
Poser -1 (Posing as German, risks exposure if discovered)

Personality traits Level
Highly Intelligent+4
Socially Awkward-2
Obsessive about Tech+3
Anxious Under Pressure-2
Athletics (Running Away)110
Awareness (Electronic Signals)310
Brawling (Desperation)110
Charm (Feigning German Identity)210
Engineering (Power Armor)410
Firearms (Pistols)110
Hacking (Security Systems)510
Melee (Improvised Weapons)110
Psionics (Telekinesis)310
Stealth (Hiding)210
Survival (Urban)210
XP to Spend50


  • Power Armor
    • Description: A heavily modified suit of power armor, originally German-made but extensively upgraded by Raulf. The suit includes advanced HUD systems, enhanced strength capabilities, and a built-in toolkit for on-the-go repairs.
    • Attributes:
      • Armor Rating: +5 (Heavy Armor)
      • Strength Boost: +2 when wearing the armor
      • Built-in Hacking Tools: +3 to Hacking checks while in the suit
      • Limited Mobility: -1 to Dexterity-related tasks due to the suit’s bulk
  • Hacking Rig
    • Description: A custom-built device, integrated into the power armor, that allows Raulf to interface with and manipulate electronic systems remotely.
    • Attributes: +4 to Hacking checks, includes an EMP pulse feature (limited use)
  • Psionic Amplifier
    • Description: A small, discreet device worn inside the power armor helmet that enhances Raulf’s telekinetic abilities.
    • Attributes: +1 to Psionics (Telekinesis) checks, though it drains the power armor's energy reserves when used frequently.
  • Concealed Pistol
    • Description: A small, low-caliber pistol hidden within the power armor for emergencies.
    • Attributes: Damage 5, Range 10m, Ammo 6 rounds
  • Tool Kit
    • Description: A set of tools integrated into the power armor, allowing Raulf to repair both the armor and other machinery in the field.
    • Attributes: +3 to Engineering checks when using the toolkit

Background and Motivation

Raulf Martensen was born in Denmark but fled the country after a series of personal and professional failures, assuming the identity of "Hans Müller," a German engineer. He is a technical genius, particularly skilled in hacking and power armor engineering, but his social skills are abysmal, making him an outsider in most groups. His psionic abilities, though underdeveloped, are a closely guarded secret, used only when absolutely necessary.

Raulf’s greatest fear is being discovered as a fraud, but he is driven by a compulsive need to prove himself through his work. Despite his awkwardness and paranoia, he is deeply committed to his craft, constantly seeking to improve his power armor and hacking techniques. His ultimate goal is to create a piece of technology so advanced that it will earn him the recognition he desperately craves, all while keeping his true identity and psionic abilities hidden from those around him.

Father Jörgen

Virtue/Flaw Level
Psionic Mastery +3
Skilled Manipulator +2
Fanatical Leader +2
Delusional -3
Paranoid -2
Cruel Punisher -2

Personality traits Level
Delusional (Divine Messenger)+4
Religious Fervor+3
Awareness (Spiritual Sensing)56
Brawl (Staff)26
Charm (Religious Fervor)36
Concentration (Maintaining Control)56
Intimidation (Religious Power)56
Leadership (Religious Followers)56
Psionics (Emotion Manipulation)46
Psionics (Mind Control)56
Psionics (Pyrokinesis)46
Psionics (Telekinesis)46
XP to Spend30

Additional Psionic Powers:

  1. Mind Control (Psionics 5): Father Jörgen's most feared ability. He can bend the will of others, turning them into mindless thralls or forcing them to carry out his "holy" commands. His control over weaker minds is absolute, and even those with stronger wills can eventually succumb to his relentless influence.
  2. Emotion Manipulation (Psionics 4): By manipulating emotions, Jörgen can incite fear, guilt, or religious fervor in those around him. He uses this to control large crowds during his sermons, making them believe they are feeling the presence of God.
  3. Telekinesis (Psionics 4): Father Jörgen has the power to move objects with his mind. He uses this ability during sermons to lift heavy objects as a display of divine power, or in combat to hurl debris, break bones, or disarm opponents. He can lift and manipulate objects up to the size of a person with ease, and larger objects with some strain. This ability adds an element of fear and spectacle, as his followers see it as undeniable proof of his divine connection.
    • Combat Application: He can rip weapons from enemies' hands, smash doors, or crush enemies beneath large objects. In a fight, he can easily fling smaller projectiles at high speeds, causing devastating damage.
  4. Pyrokinesis (Psionics 4): Jörgen can ignite flames with his mind, which he claims is God's judgment made manifest. In combat, he uses fire as a tool of destruction, often burning those who oppose him alive. He can also create controlled blazes, which he uses to impress or terrify his followers during rituals or sermons.
    • Combat Application: Father Jörgen can create fireballs to hurl at enemies or cause objects and enemies to burst into flames. His control is precise enough to immolate a target while leaving others untouched, reinforcing his claims of divine favor.
  5. Psychic Blast (Psionics 5): In moments of extreme anger, Jörgen can release a wave of raw psionic energy, knocking down and stunning anyone in its range. This is his "wrath of God," used sparingly but devastating when unleashed. It creates a powerful shockwave that can shatter stone, break bones, and send people flying.
  6. Fear Projection (Psionics 5): Jörgen can project overwhelming fear into the minds of those around him. His enemies may find themselves frozen in terror, unable to move or defend themselves as he delivers his judgment. This ability can affect entire crowds, causing mass panic or forcing submission through sheer dread.

Notable Equipment:

  • Staff of Divine Wrath: A ceremonial staff made from the wood of an ancient tree, now enhanced with psionic energy. When Jörgen channels his powers through it, the staff glows with an eerie light. It serves as both a symbol of his religious authority and a weapon capable of focusing his telekinesis or pyrokinesis. He often uses it to amplify his control during sermons, making it appear as though the staff itself holds divine power.
  • Cloister of Submission: The cloister itself has been shaped by Jörgen's psionic powers. The very air feels thick with his presence, and those who enter it without a strong will often find themselves slowly succumbing to his influence. It is said that the walls whisper Jörgen’s twisted sermons, bending the minds of those who stay within its bounds for too long. His followers patrol the grounds, ensuring none leave once they enter his "holy" domain.

Role in the Campaign:

Father Jörgen is no longer just a psionic mutant with delusions of grandeur—he is a true force of nature. His power has grown so immense that he can manipulate the physical world around him, further convincing his followers that he is a divine messenger. The players may encounter Jörgen as a potential ally, though his help comes at a steep price: submission to his divine will. If they oppose him, they face a powerful enemy capable of bending minds and matter to his will.

Jörgen represents an extremely dangerous encounter—his combination of mind control, telekinesis, and pyrokinesis make him an unpredictable and deadly force. Whether the players try to free those enslaved by his will or confront him in combat, they will need careful planning and powerful allies to survive his wrath.